Starting another health blog...
I had one of these blogs many moons ago; the difference being I was younger, motivated by different things, and not yet severely struggling with hypothyroidism.
Back then, I was obsessed with working out to look good. As I grew older and other responsibilities made their way into my life, working out to solely "look good" was not sustainable. Looks fell short to living expenses, budget, family, relationships, school, etc.
There are definitely some pros and cons here...
1) Younger Clare was more selfish and took the time to do what I wanted for me.
2) Younger Clare was naive and superficial when it came to health goals. Although I looked fit, I was obsessed with getting as thin as possible. It may have been physically appealing, but it was mentally draining.
3) Although I took on new responsibilities and grew in other areas of my life (got a Master's degree, had my first long-term romantic relationship, had a fun social life, lived on my own), my health definitely took a back seat.
About 2 years ago, as I was finishing up my Master's degree, I really started to struggle with lack of energy. I would sleep for hours and hours; wake up to eat, then go right back to bed. It didn't matter how many hours of sleep I got...I always wanted more.
I thought I was just stressed and that it would go away after graduating. It didn't.
Getting up for work became more and more difficult. My boyfriend was getting very frustrated that I continuously whined about gaining weight, but wouldn't DO anything about it. He thought it was lack of will power...which made me feel worse about myself.
I am now 27-years-old and 2016 was BY FAR the worst year of my young life.
I became depressed. My relationship ultimately ended. I lost my job. I struggled to pay for things - including my home. I got in a car accident from exhaustion. I was told during a health consultation that I am considered obese (from body fat percentage).
I became depressed. My relationship ultimately ended. I lost my job. I struggled to pay for things - including my home. I got in a car accident from exhaustion. I was told during a health consultation that I am considered obese (from body fat percentage).
Hypothyroidism is a big deal.
Its effects are pervasive and it needs to be taken seriously.
I am really trying hard to turn my life around so I can feel better. Even as I'm sitting here writing this, I just want to go back to bed and sleep. But, I will fight this. Its a beautiful day and I have a lot to get done.
This blog is to help me think clearly, hold myself accountable, and stay motivated.
If it helps others...even better.
- Pick-up new thyroid medication
- Clean living space (very behind on laundry, dishes, everything from being sleepy)
- Get rid of overly-processed/wheat products
- Go to grocery store for whole foods/gluten free foods (studies indicate gluten-free diet helps with restoring thyroid)
- Take a 30+ minute walk on trail
I think those are some good, attainable goals for the day.
My long-term goals include:
- Lose 25-30 pounds
- Stop drinking alcohol/no longer crave it
- Stop eating fried foods/no longer crave it
- Feel happier & healthier (measured by energy levels)
- Find a job that I'm passionate about and love
OKAY! Quick power nap because I'm sleepy and not medicated yet...then ready to accomplish stuff today!
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